Hanging around half way up the climb at the start of the ST Cindys
Adventure, from left to right, Andrew, Michael, Rohan, Geoff, Steve |
Ditto, from left to right, Martin, Andrew, Rohan, Geoff, Steve |
Michael on the way down Cindy's Adventure |
Steve |
Andrew |
Rohan |
Geoff |
Geoff in "Sticky, Rocky, Fucking Gully" |
Andrew |
Michael showing off his battle scars shortly after his first crash (5
metre slide on gravel into a water bar at speed) (Geoff pointing) |
and Again |
Martin approaching a small log roll over/drop |
Rohan |
Geoff |
Michael landing after the small drop, he subsequently went off track just
below into some trees. |
Andrew |
- Martin, Giant AC Team Dualie
- Rohan, Da Bomb Dualie
- Geoff, GT LTS Dualie
- Steve, Giant XtC Team HT
- Andrew, Giant XtC Team Dualie
- Michael, Norco Fireball HT
Mechanicals, 1 Flat (Michael), 1 Loose Crank (Steve)
OTB, 3 (Michael 2, Steve 1)
Photos by Martin
Approx. 30KM, 2h20M Riding Time, 4 Hours out there
Woohoo another ride in the single track mecca of Livingstone National Park
near Wagga Wagga. This ride had a sadder aspect, Martin is moving back to
Melbourne so he was out in Livingstone saying Aure Voir.
We met at the Wagga beach around 9am and drove out to the rifle range/start
point. Starting at around 10am with the normal fireroad climb we got half way
up and Martin suggested we head down the track here (Cindy's Adventure) rather
than going up as far as Goonrooter. Martin headed off first to get some action
photos of people on their way down the track. This track finishes at the
open(ish) area where we start the fireroad climb out at the end of the ride
On the way down "Cindy's adventure" we had to get off the track for some moter
cross riders coming up the track, for me this was a first as on my prevbious
livingstone rides I had only ever seen moter bikers on fireroads and never on
the ST (though obviously the did once ride (and create) the ST here), for the
rest of the ride we often saw obvious signs of fresh tyre marks on the ST's
created by the motor bikes, they really do chop the ground up a lot.
Next we headed through a track surrounded by thorny bushes into a rather
interesting gully (aptly named "Sticky, Rocky, Fucking Gully") (also
surrounded by thorns) that would be a lot of fun in the other direction. Next
we climbed up a track through a rock garden, probably fine to ride down, but I
could not clean it uphill. Michael and I tended to be at the front up most of
the hills, however I at least was generally slower down them, maybe I should
think about a dualie sooner.
For those of you who know Michael or have heard the stories, you would be
surprised not to hear of any crashes so far in this recounting, do not worry
he made up for it. We next went down a fast fireroad with some waterbars and
off cmaber corners, I was dropping back from Martin a bit and heard someone
coming up fast behind me, after the next water bar I sped up a bit and could
not hear the person behind any more. When Martin and I stopped we started
wondering where everyone was, we soon found out why I could no longer hear the
person behind me. Michael's back tyre unhooked and started sliding sideways
and he went down and slid sideways for about 5 metres at speed into a water
bar. The result, he now has some big scars on his leg, and arm (and he is also
now grinning hapilly at having his first significant crash in a few months).
I went on ahead now with the camera to take photos at what Martin referred to
as a small log drop/jump, I should find it I was told. I did so set up beneath
it and waited for the riders. I alas never quite worked out the timing of the
button press to picture in order to get someone in the air properly but the
shots worked okay. Michael went off the track just below here also, still
working towards some more crashes. This track is called pinball, I suppose due
to the fact that if you ride it fast you tend to get bounced form side to side
a bit on the corners. (or so Michael and Martin claimed)
After some more fast flowing ST (this is part of why livingstone is so much
fun, flying through ST at 30 KMH with the odd jump or gully and corners is a
lot of fun) we climbed up to the start of "Fun Mud" so named due to the
comments Mikey made when we first rode livingstone and it was very muddy. In
the dry this track is still a heap of fun, and with the huge amounts of dust
around it was a good idea to hang back from the person in front quite a bit
you were otherwise completely blind to the track or corners until you were on
top of them.
Near the end of this track I noticed my left crank getting very loose (it had
gotten loose a few times on friday and once home I tightened it with a better
allen key than my toolkit contained (more torque available with a long handle)
and thought it would be fine), I stopped and attempted to tighten it with both
my multi tool and Martin's, however neither had enough torque and it started
to wiggle again by the end of "fun mud". Rohan had a drop forged park tool of
some sort that fixed it, he got me to hold the crank while he stood on the
tool and got another full turn or two more than we could get with our multi
tools. Who knows I may never get it undone again, but at least so far it
stayed connected.
Now at the scout camp we stopped for a bit to eat and talk, Michael did not
seem keen on stopping and was riding around the field, when he came close he
said he siezed up when he stood still, we finally forced some painkillers into
him at this point (at his protest), after the breather we headed out to an
edge of the park and started climbing (some putshing involved) up a fenceline,
soon after we got onto a pretty cool undulating (with some fun gullies) track
heading towards P Plater.
Just before the climb up to "P Plater" we came across a plain 2 wheel family
car parked out here, seemingly in the middle of nowhere, with no occupants
about we left it be and kept going. At the start of "P Plater" Michael was
amazedto find another P Plate (the track is named in part due to finding one a
year ago there, on a ride where Michael crashed badly), this was we guessed
probably off one of the motor bikes.
Michael crashed off the track at the bottom of the first gully in P Plater,
fortunately for him the barbed wire was no longer there and he simply fell
down a longish way, I came down soon after, too slowly and worried about the
drop, watching some rocks too closely I went over the bars (too much front
brake), Martin insisted I hold the pose so he could photograph it, I had no
scrapes or anything fortunately so got up after the modelling.
Once we finished "P Plater" Andrew rode on ahead to get some more photos, I
doomed us to a flat by noticing out loud we had been lucky with no flats so
far. So off we rode down "Pod Racer" (another really good 30 KMH swoopy
descent), everyone was waiting with Andrew taking photos just below a loose
corner with a few sharp rocks. I pulled up to a stop with them and Michael
came down, and got the flat I doomed upon us on the sharp rocks.
Once we finished this it was time to climb out, the standard climb out is an
easy fireroad up hill followed by a fun fireroad with waterbars at speed down
to the cars. It was fun, though spoiled somewhat by moter bikers coming the
other way almost having head ons with a few of us. Martin said it was a good
ride, compared to his last communal trip out to livingstone on Australia Day,
when they had plus 40 degree temperatures and a few slower people and had to
skip quote a few of the more fun tracks, we ot a lot more in today, and all
had fun. It was now time to head into town for Pizza and Beverages and relive
the ride, and time for Martin to say Aure Voir to Livingstone in the hopes of
returning one day (after all he has been telling us all that it is not far for
Melbournians or Sydney Siders to get to)
Stopped at the scout camp, we made Michael take pain killers here as this
was the only time he stood still while stoppe, left to right, Geoff,
Michael, Rohan (obscured), Andrew, Steve |
Left to right, Geoff, Andrew, Rohan, Michael, Steve |
Andrew on his way down an unnamed section of undulating ST before P Plater |
Michael where he fell off the edge over the wire in the first P Plater gully. |
Showing off his second elbow scar for the day, when Michael got home and
cleaned up this turned out to be a gash full of dirt and rocks, so he got
some stitches at the hospital |
Steve holding the pose after a over the bars incident, I came out
unscathed, Martin wanted the photo evidence (I went too slow and look at
the rocks down here) |
Martin insisted I hold the pose for a while |
Geoff on his way down pod racer |
Rohan |
Martin with his foot out on a loose corner down pod racer |
Steve accelerating after the lose corner |
Michael announcing he got a pinch flat in the loose corner (my fault as at
the top of pod racer I noticed how we had been lucky not to have any flats
yet) |
Walking over to fix the flat |
Geoff landing a high speed bunny hop |
Rohan |
Martin |
Rohan (just before the previous photo of him I guess) |
Steve |