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Thu, 26 Jul 2007
Ways to make staying fit easier - 20:07
I am not particularly flexible, this becomes a problem when you consider
cycling is a sport that promotes lack of flexibility. I know full well that if
I stretch regularly I am less prone to injuries and tend not to tighten up and
lose power in some muscle groups due to poor positioning. One of the problems
I encounter trying to sit down and stretch every day or at least fairly often
is that stretching is boring. (also I hardly ever watch tv so can not even
stretch in front of that)
The obvious solution is to join some classes for stretching and body balance
sort of disciplines. Thus I have enrolled in a
P&F, which alas I had to miss the first
instance of this week (Mum's birthday dinner on Monday night) so look forward
to participating in next Monday and a yoga class, both at the ANU Sports
Union (handy being 50 metres from work).
The first yoga class was today, I have never done any before so had no real
idea what to expect. Some of my friends go to yoga regularly and love it,
others have said they tried it and did not like it. One of my friends who did
not mesh with yoga said she found herself unable to blank her mind and simply
concentrate on what is going on with her body during the exercises. I was
hopeful I would be able to deal with this and not spend the time thinking of
other things, when I am exercising I generally blank my mind a fair bit and
simply concentrate on the exercise in question. This is a fantastic way to
relax and escape from the rest of the world and give your brain some down
I am happy to say I liked the first class, it seems to have helped with
flexibility a bit already and I was able to let my mind simply concentrate
only on the exercises in question throughout the class, even when we were
simply relaxing into and out of the session. Now to see how much this and the
P&F class help me during the rest of the semester.
Gannets - 19:13
This gannet is probably not about to attack a piece of pizza, maybe for the
dual reasons that this is a Northern Gannet rather than an
Gannet and that Pizza eating gannets from ANU in Australia seem to have
a few years ago.
So what is this gannet thinking as it swoops down, and what is it swooping
down upon. I guess it is in a bit of a Batman pose, maybe it after some
criminal scum of the (remarkably sunny) night time streets of Gotham. I kind of
doubt it though, this is a bird not a bat, and it really does not look much
like Dick, Jason or Tim. This is a bird so I am really not sure we need to go
far looking for the motivations and deep thought patterns behind what is going
on. There is probably a reason for the term Bird Brain being in common usage.
Looking closely at the shape of its wings in this photo the gannet looks a lot
like what I remember Darth Vader's ship looks like, this Gannet is probably
about to say "Luke I am your father... squawk".
(original image source)