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Tue, 27 Jul 2010
A horse has won - 10:23
During the Tour de France coverage every year there is a lot of repetition of
the ads by the major sponsor of the broadcast for SBS. Generally by the end of
the tour we are all sick of the same ads all the time. This year the same
definitely applied to various ads, such as the cyclists walking up the hill
Rabobank laziness ad and the LG ad with the eat a pie on the couch ad.
There were two other ads from those same brands though I did not get sick of,
I wonder if it was because they did not play them much (I can not find copies
online anywhere either) or if it was because they really did amuse me. I find
some of the other ads may be cute or funny the first few times but get old
really fast.
My two favourite ads this year were the Rabobank laziness ad with the horse
race caller (I think there may have been more than one version of this with a
slightly different call too). Going on about furry things racing, then saying
a horse has won. The other was from LG, also advertising the DVR, however this
had a surreal seeming lion dancing after jumping out of the letter box. As
you can see I can not even remember most of the details from these ads though
I laughed at the time so they obviously were not played as often as others. I
wonder why they do not show the whole spread of ads for the products more, it
would at least lessen the boredom of only seeing the same ad all the time.
In other news I can not decide if I think it is hell cool or scary that you
will soon be able to have a tour of
caves in Klingon.
Fri, 16 Jul 2010
I never thought I would say awesome and karaoke in the same sentence - 18:25
I saw this link on
today, about the funny or die mob getting
to perform her own songs in disguise at a karaoke bar. They put a fake nose
on her, a wig make up and dressed her up as a business woman, with hired
actors also dressed as office workers she went there as a group.
I thought this was awesome, that the crowd all thought she was incredible and
surprised someone that good was not professional. I keep wondering what
level of fan you need to be to be sure it is her despite appearances, I keep
thinking if Ani did something like this I would recognise as soon as she
started singing, however our brain plays all sorts of tricks on us and they
really set this up well so who knows. Well worth watching I think even if you
are not a fan of Jewel.
Today's strangely named Debian package - 16:25
I was looking through Debian packages that have something to do with image
analysis and see what code there was out there for working out meta
information about images. One that showed up when looking at python itk
bindings was perlprimer.
This definitely sounded odd as the package name suggests it is some sort of
perl instruction package. When I looked at the output of apt-cache show
perlprimer I thought it even stranger. In the description is the following
"open-source GUI application written in Perl that designs primers for standard
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), bisulphite PCR, real-time PCR (QPCR) and
So this is in fact a genetic research related package, with the name
perlprimer (it is admittedly written in perl). I know Debian packages tend to
be named on a first in first named basis, however this definitely strikes me
as deceptive/strange. Obviously all mad gene scientists are out there trying
to hide their work with deceptive package names... or something.
Fri, 02 Jul 2010
USB key destruction, Game On! - 11:15
Back in 2008 I
lost and then
destroyed some cute tiny pink metallic usb keys, I decided if I buy
another usb key it should be one of the water proof, shock proof, dust proof
variety. Today I bought an 8GB PNY Lovely Attache stick in pink (easy to find
for sale with a google search), though the image etched into it is a bit sex
and the cityish (especially with the pink cover) it does claim to be water
proof, dust proof and shock proof. Game On!
Thu, 01 Jul 2010
The week in politics - 21:17

Another great political cartoon
I do not watch much tv, this includes not watching the tv news. I read two
news papers almost daily, however that does cause a lag in my news
acquisition. Last Wednesday night I was talking on the phone with my
grandmother and she mentioned it looked like a big night in politics with a
meeting in t he pm's office between Rudd and Gillard and news of a possible
This news was indeed surprising, a first term prime minister and such a quick
move against him. The change probably will not change my voting pattern at
all, I think Abbott is a raving lunatic and generally ascribe that world view
(being a raving lunatic) to the entire liberal party. There has been a
disturbing move further right of the Labour party for years now which I am
constantly concerned by. I have for a long while now voted Green federally and
in ACT simply because my world views suggests we need to stop thinking about
money and more about the planet and various other things that this party tends
to come closer on than the rest of the parties.
It has been interesting to see that though he was the most popular prime
minister Australia has ever had, many people never seemed to know what Rudd
stood for, once they began to believe he is simply another politician and will
sacrifice previously claimed beliefs (climate change is the greatest moral
challenge of our time) for political reasons many people it seems began to
think much of what he said may as well be non core promises (to bring in a
I have to say I thought Rudd's being in question time on Thursday last week
was one of the bravest things I have seen a politician do, and I think it is
upsetting and sad for him and we saw a lot of emotion in his final press
conference. However from what I hear he was not a pleasant person to work
with and could be quite offensive in high level meetings for various reasons,
sure he worked his arse off (hence why I think the cartoon on the left is so
good) and did do many good things for Australia it does seem like much of the
reasons people did not stick by him in poor polling times was that he had
closed himself off from the rest of the clever people available to him at
I think it is great to see a female PM and I think Gillard could do a lot of
good things, I am happy to have an atheist PM (though it is upsetting that the
right wing elements of the Labour party probably have enough influence that
the government's God Bothering tendencies will remain, such as no gay marriage
and the Internet filter stupidity will remain), however I really do hope that
at the upcoming federal election the Greens hold enough power that Labour has
to get them fully on side to create a good working government. So far I think
the Green arrangement in ACT has been a good thing, the Stanhope government is
still ignoring them more than I think it should be, however it has bought
advantages to ACT so far I think.
Still it has been an incredible week in politics and there have been many
awesome political cartoons to cheer us all up too.