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Tue, 29 Jul 2008
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 17:35

Vitasoy Heart, Yummmmmmmmmm (fullsize)
What do you know, it is Tuesday afternoon and I have a 1 litre UHT container
of the yummiest milk sold sitting in my office ready for a bit of Tuesday
afternoon milk carton blogging.
They add oats to this soy milk to give us Vitasoy Heart, so most of the
Vitasoy milks are already among the
yummiest available (definitely superior to So Good), however this one really
is fantastic. Now if only more supermarkets stocked it.
Wed, 24 Oct 2007
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 17:29

Milk Carton Cafe (fullsize)
Wednesday edition:
Further proof appeared recently that LA really can cater to all needs. As much as
I dislike the city I was impressed to see there is a Milk carton cafe (sort
of) over there. Just the thing to go visit on a random Tuesday afternoon, it
would be perfect apart from two things: Today is Wednesday, and there is a
slight geographical displacement
Tue, 10 Jul 2007
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 16:38
The above image obviously fits here, if
the facts are
to be believed. One Holstein cow can weigh between 1100 and 1500 lbs
generally. Taking the lower limit in case we have small cows, 1100 lbs is
around 498 KG. So to have a Ton
of cows we need two of them. These are also the traditionally imagined milk
producing cows, thus milk and ton are both in there. All we really needed was
a car.
This also opens us up to the idea of needing proof of having
Two Cows, of course many
other thought exercises are available here. For example these cows are
obviously clones, cows are one fantastic example of data storage, they map
out a lot of information about Cowness in general, so we have some massive
raid array (two cows) of redundant cow information. As
Tanenbaum almost
said, "Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon with two cows
hurtling down the highway".
Tue, 12 Dec 2006
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 12:00
So no photos, and possibly not directly about milk cartons, though there is
mention of printing information other than missing person details on milk
cartons in this story. Kottke had a link to a news story about the
Dairy Industry Crushing an Innovator who tried to get around the
entrenched milk price fixing system in the US.
Maybe it is because I am a West Wing junkie or maybe it is because it is just
interesting to see some of the ins and outs of the system over there, but it
is a fascinating read into US politics as they relate to milk (and
subsequently milk cartons (to tie in with this post)).
It does definitely seem the various big companies in the US Dairy industry
have a lot of money to throw around, thus I am not surprised the guy who owns is holding out for serious offers to
buy the domain only and is otherwise happy to use it for his own
purposes. Good on him.
Tue, 28 Nov 2006
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 15:26

Dutch Milk (fullsize)
The milk is back, well actually the carton is back, there is no real proof
that it currently contains milk. Who knows with the beer near by it may be a
beer carton. (I leave it as an exercise for the viewer to work out which of
the containers is more likely to contain which liquid under common
Tue, 22 Aug 2006
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 12:00

UK Milk Carton
I notice this milk still has English writing on it, thus it is not really
exotic for us Aussies. Though I guess it is at least real English writing as
it is from Kent in England. None of this Aussie or American English emblazoned
across the carton. You can probably tell it is milk from Ol Blighty just by
looking at the picture. They have green grass, if it were Australian milk and
they were going for a similar truth in advertising it would have to have a
field of brown grass or simply hay scattered on dirt I guess.
I guess with the rampant greenery it could be from Kiwiland, except the
measurement is in pints, the Kiwis at least use metric everywhere.
Tue, 15 Aug 2006
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 12:00

New York Milk Carton
This photo from around July 6th in New York has branding suggesting you
consume the product 365 days a year maybe. I guess that is acceptable with
milk, however I shudder at the thought of having a tall cold glass of cold
pressed olive oil 365 days a year as the bottle of 365 olive oil in the
background may suggest.
Mon, 07 Aug 2006
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 12:00
Monday Edition.
Saw this link on BoingBoing today to
reviews of the 1 Gallon
jug of Tuscan Grade A Milk. Highly amusing, if you have a milk carton
large enough to hold a Gallon (3.785 litres) of milk what would you do with
Now that amazon is selling groceries many people have started reviewing the
groceries, mostly in a similar humorous vein.
Tue, 11 Apr 2006
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 14:30

Exotic USAnian Milk
Ahh my job here is done, my Milk Carton collection finally has an exotic
foreign milk carton. Though maybe I had better not hang up my Milk Carton
Blogging hat quite yet. This is USAnian milk, if you look at the enlarged
photo you can even see where it says "Product of the USA". However this milk
may not be exotic to people who live in the USA. Sure it is lactose free and
probably healthy, but is it really exotic? Where are the rare birds sighted
for the first time ever in the middle of a jungle? Where are the cannibals?
Where are the belly dancing cowboys (okay so that would possibly be Kings
Cross milk and maybe not terribly exotic either)? However I think you should
all thank Andrew for this glimpse
into the milk cartons of America.
Tue, 04 Apr 2006
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 20:35

New location for the magnetic cow
The magnetic
cow has migrated to the top of my monitor as can be seen in this web cam
Tue, 01 Nov 2005
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 00:00

Got Goat's Milk?
As has been pointed out, a milk carton may contain other types of milk, Cows
are not the only source of contents for these venerable containers. To the
left is a milk carton containing Goat's Milk from the company
Meyenberg (large producer of Goat's
Milk in the US). It can be argued that
milk is healthier for you or at least it
may be a better baby food
than Cow milk.
Though I would suggest the biggest advantage me be that we will never see
another milk carton desecrated with big black splotches, through Goat's have
been known to have black splotches, the image of a Goat in the public mind
does not, thus opening up milk carton designs to whole new splotch free
Wed, 28 Sep 2005
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 12:46
Today rather than a passive display of information pertaining to milk cartons
or some photo of a milk carton I thought it best to sit down with one of these
revered calcium rich liquid containers and ask a few questions of it in order
to further understand the life and times of your average milk carton. Thus I
present you with.
Interview with a Vampi^WMilk Carton
sjh: So why is it that Buffy so regularly kick's your arse?
MC: Who/What is this Buffy of which you speak?
sjh: Oops, yeah I was still lost with the whole interview title mixup in my
head, there must have been a
carton involved somewhere
MC: Whatever
sjh: So you are a milk carton, when people wander up to you in the street, how
do you prove to them that you are in fact a milk carton? Or do we need to take
it as an article of faith that you are a milk carton?
MC: Well in my case there is a fair amount of
Scientific Method
that could be applied to back up any claims I make in relation to actually
being a milk carton. My mostly rectangular cartonesque shape, labels
pertaining to my milky contents, I would hope there is no need to extract milk
from within and test that, however that is also an option. I hope not too many
would feel the need to
tickle, prick or
poison me to learn how identical I am to other milk cartons.
sjh: So you are fairly sure anyone wishing to apply scientific methodology
will believe claims that you are a milk carton, however what do you claim to
those who wish to ignore such methods?
MC: If a bunch of skeptics wished to ignore scientific methodology and were
really not interested in
more I could get away with murder, I can go around claiming to be a
of buffalo or a
carrot cake and
there would be no sensible way to refute my claims, it may even be fun.
sjh: There is a continuing theme in the collective conscious of many people
about the missing person's ads that have appeared on milk cartons in the past.
Conspiracy theorists may suggest milk cartons even had something to do with
the disappearance of these people, what do you think of all of this?
MC: Sure there are many
theories about
what may have happened to all those people on the milk cartons, you should of
course be careful of what to
believe lest people think you a little strange.
sjh: You really don't seem to be answering the questions posed to you, is
there any reason you are simply touching on the topic and then trying to
distract me with possibly related information?
MC: No Comment
sjh: Thank you for your time, I hope you have no problems returning to your
milk cartony ways after this brush with blogdom.
MC: No comment.
Wed, 21 Sep 2005
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 14:32
Feel Good Wednesday Edition
Wed, 14 Sep 2005
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 14:59
Wednesday edition.
Milkcarton rules for today.
- There is no Tuesday
afternoon milk
carton blogging
- You do not talk about milk cartons.
- There probably was not even a Tuesday or a milk carton
than five minutes ago.
- You must put away the hot pink pants on
arvo in Victoria
- If you are attacked by a milk carton wielding criminal in
Arkansas you may defend yourself
only with a similar milk carton
- There is no rule 6
Tue, 06 Sep 2005
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 20:53
So yeah this looks like a night time edition of the afternoon milk carton
blogging, ahh well we can't have everything. Actually *milkcarton* I think
maybe that last statement about not having stuff could in fact be correct. For
the life of *milkcarton* me I can not think of anything to write here or a
photo to take and place here *milkcarton* that involves those oh so important
calcium rich liquid containers.
It could thus be su*milkcarton*ggested there is no real point to this post,
after all what is a blog post on a given subject with no content about the
subject? Of course maybe I just need *milkcarton* to keep up the meme, or
maybe there is some sort of subliminal message here keeping this post on
topic. If it is some subversive *nerdlihc ruoy retfa era snotracklim* message
I hope it is a good one and not some sort of satanic death metal scare story
Tue, 30 Aug 2005
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 16:25

Baked goods or milk cartons in disguise? (full size)
I was wandering through a supermarket this morning and came across this milk
carton among baked goods. I suspected initially that this was simply more
evidence of how poor the camouflage abilities of your average milk carton
really are. Just like the
OAK milk carton
attempting to hide among gums and wattles, here was a milk carton
attempting to hide amongst croissant's and pan au chocolat.
However this got me wondering, what if I was wrong, what if in fact the
camouflage on the milk cartons were brilliant, but it takes a few seconds for
them to adjust, and I caught this carton in the location before it was able to
camouflage itself. What if this cupboard were full of milk cartons cleverly
disguised as baked goods. Does this call for a test, should I attempt to eat
all the baked goods here and see if that will give me a hint as to their real
status as a type of croissant or a milk storage container?
Tue, 23 Aug 2005
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 18:28

Milk carton bigger than Black Mountain tower (full size)

The majesty of the milk carton (full size)

Hiding out in a burnt out Mt Stromlo Observatory telescope (full size)
Looking for milk
cartons in the wild again today. The first shot rather obviously shows
that milk cartons can be larger than Black Mountain Tower (perspective? whats
that), which may explain why this one is not trying to hide or use
camouflage. The second show, of this oh so large milk carton, showing how
Majestic a milk carton perched upon a rock can be.
Looking around some more, I notice this milk carton seen in the third photo on
the burnt out window sill of one of the old Mount Stromlo Observatory telescope
buildings at the top of Stromlo. The disguise capabilities are equally poor
here, however the burnt out building may offer the milk carton some protection
from predators.
Oh and for all those of you who may wish to point out this was posted after
6pm and thus no longer afternoon, pish, it was still afternoon in Western
Australia, so just imagine it was posted by someone there (it wasn't, but that
is just a small detail)
Tue, 16 Aug 2005
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 13:30
Unable to find inspiration for some milk carton photo today, and no one has
sent me photos of exotic foreign milk cartons from all over the world yet, so
once more I will resort to some links to milk cartony things.
For the geeks among us, this is an interesting
filed against some milk cartons. I wonder if these people really want to
run gdb on the core of
a milk carton or not (the core of a milk carton would probably just be a whole
bunch of milk, unless someone filled the carton with something else, like
For anyone who was massively confused by the above paragraph (heck knowing how
little sense I make sometimes I suspect that would be almost everyone) I found
this milk is milk blog, lots of stuff
pertaining to milk cartons and cases put to the US FDA pertaining to milk
Tue, 09 Aug 2005
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 16:17

Milk Carton in the Bush (full size)
I was out mountain biking this morning and sighted a milk carton attempting to
blend into the native Australian bushland. I was able to get close enough to
take this photo. I am afraid this species of milk carton may be somewhat rare
due to how poor it's attempt at camouflage here is.
There are no OAK's here and thus attempting to blend into GUM or WATTLE or
similar will not work with the OAK all over the place. If I was able to so
easily spot this milk carton and take photos I am sure the natural predators
of milk cartons are also able to take advantage of this stupidity.
Tue, 02 Aug 2005
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 16:25

Imprisoned Milk (full size)
They have these milk containers walled in and behind glass (this photo was
taken while holding the fridge door open, to allow the plight of the milk
cartons to be captured more clearly), the milk cartons can not even feel the
sweet air of freedom without outside assistance, the other dairy product
packaging was not massing around attempting to set the milk cartons free. Oh
these poor milk cartons, trapped until some kind and generous human comes
along to set them free.
Though I wonder what other patrons at the retail outlet thought of some nut in
cycling clothing taking photos of milk cartons in a fridge, that is of little
interest however when compared with the plight of these imprisoned milk
cartons. I am however glad to see that even in captivity the natural order of
things is maintained, the milk carton is on top lording over the new and far
less important 2 L plastic milk containers.
Update: I also just noticed, if you do not wish to be infected with footy head
issues you can still buy the remaining milk carton with no Canberra raiders
stuff printed upon in. Yet another way to ward off the return of Raiders
Lime. (yes Lime flavoured milk sold by Canberra Milk in the early 1990's when
the Raiders won the end of season thingy a few times)
Tue, 19 Jul 2005
Tuesday afternoon Milk Carton blogging - 14:32

Magnetic cow (full size)
This may not look much like a milk carton to the untrained eye. (or for that
mater to the trained eye) I suppose anyone suggesting that this is not in fact
a milk carton may have some semblance of accuracy on their side. Okay I admit
this is a photo of a soft toy cow with magnetic feet.
However it is a cow, think about, the cow is the raison d'etre for the milk
carton, without cows there might now even be milk cartons. Oh sure I hear you
speak of Goats milk, soy milk and coconut milk and all manner of strange
alternatives. However with out the ingrained connection with cows milk that
exists in our society we may in fact have ended up with some alternative
packaging. (forgetting for a moment that blame for the
Tetra Pak (along with
Safety Match, Ball Bearing and Dynamite
can be placed on the heads of the Swedes)
The cow with the magnetic feet pictured was acquired in the Udder Cow Cafe in
Comboyne before the 2005
Polaris Challenge in March. Really what better item is there to brighten
your office if you are unable to keep a milk carton handy, but a cow with
magnetic feet.