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Fri, 29 Jun 2007
Geoquest was fun, my report is on its way. - 17:30
My report is on its way, I know no one wants to hear excuses so I wont provide any... I thought I had only written a few words but wc claims I have 5500 or so in there already and I am only half finished.
[17:15:59] 126 oneiros sjh /tmp/digicam/geoquest07>wc index.html 1139 5501 41252 index.html I have 99 photos and 5 videos with the report this year too. Anyway when I finish writing the text, hopefully this weekend sometime, I will let my team and support crew have a geeze and then if they like it share it with everyone.
I wonder what we can dream up for xkcd - 17:16
The rather interesting post the other day I read critiquing the art in various online comic strips pointed out how xkcd is not at all worth commenting on re art as it is not about that, also it pointed out that UserFriendly also is not about art, both are simply geek cliques or something. He may have a point, though I have to say in the case of xkcd especially it really does not matter as the content is so brilliantly funny to geeks it rally appeals. A counter to that is the point that it goes completely over the heads of most people. I tried showing xkcd to my sister a while back and she simply did not see the humour. Anyway my latest idea for an xkcd, with thanks to DanielS for providing the source material (his apartment in Helsinki flooded) that lead to the idea. Wouldn't it be fantastic to have the floors in your house freeze over with ice and you could ice skate around your apartment. Sun, 24 Jun 2007
So many axes so little time - 17:15
A: Axe Thanks to Bill for X and Y, thanks to Brad for Q and U. Thu, 14 Jun 2007
Office at the airport - 11:38
It does indeed add a lot of time (and cost) to get into a given city from the airport, in the case of Sydney it is often far easier to simply drive there from Canberra for work rather than fly and then commute to some location from the airport. So the above reasoning is to some extent the thinking behind the Brindabella Business park offices spread out around the Canberra Airport. Companies and government departments can maintain a Canberra presence and yet make it a lot easier to do business with people from out of Canberra. Also the airport owners here want to make money and having offices pay rent on their land helps with the making money side of things. The one negative I find with these offices is the location, to get there by bike you have to traverse a rather unfriendly road for a while and on busy mornings it can be difficult to cope with the traffic. This is obviously the Canberran in me speaking as compared to other cities it is nothing of note, most of the ride there is on lovely bike paths or through quiet leafy suburbs. (and it is only a 20 minute ride from the ANU area). Mon, 04 Jun 2007
A Google mail complaint - 20:46
So far all of this sounds fine, however I noticed over the past week there were a fair few email on the list I seem to have missed. I logged into Gmail and found it had rather nicely stopped a bunch of spam. However it had also stopped 42 list email in the past month or three. So I went through all the spam it had stopped and marked the list mail as not spam and thus they were moved into the inbox. Now I thought to myself I simply have to forward (or bounce) all these 42 email to myself (there is no option to reprocess them with the default forwarding rule). Unfortunately this can not be done, there is no way to mass forward or bounce email to another location. Sure I could open every individual email and forward them, but that would take forever, and I admittedly would prefer to bounce them to me so the headers remain as they should be (bounce being a feature Thunderbird also does not have even though there have been open bugs against Mozilla mail since Mozilla was open sourced, but that is another rant for another time (I am aware there have been thunderbird plugins to do this sometimes but they tend not to be up to date)). So looking through the help files for Gmail I find they are serious that there is no way to get more than one email at a time sent on. They suggest enabling pop3 and downloading the mail. Okay so I can do this, however upon trying it is about to download all the email that has ever come through to Gmail, not just the stuff in the inbox. I only want a local copy of these 42 email, if only it were not so hard. I guess I have heard of API's for Gmail that may be the next place to look. Admittedly I use mutt as my primary email client and am not at all familiar with Gmail so I may be missing something but so far my rather specific needs are hard to come by. I guess at least I do have access to all my email data there rather than it be closed off and locked away somehow. Sun, 03 Jun 2007
Telstra Whitepages has a different idea of NSW than some - 17:28
Of course I found it got even stranger when, on a whim to see if they knew about Queanbeyan being in NSW, I searched for some friends in Queanbeyan. If I select state as NSW I get some matches with some names. When I change the state to ACT I get completely different matches on the same names. I guess it is nothing new to see Telstra confused and not quite accurate or useful but still it is kind of weird. |