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Wed, 09 Feb 2005
More Neal Stephenson - 21:44
To go with the rather good
Stephenson interview
on Slashdot
a while back, BoingBoing just had a
link to another
pretty good Stephenson interview, this time talking a fair bit about how the
public may perceive "The Baroque Cycle", and some other stuff too.
Thinking about it I really should try to borrow copies of that series and read
them sometime.
In other unrelated stuff on the Interweb thingy,
Kottke had a link to an amusing poem,
I Ate iPod Shuffle, in
loving memory of the cautionary note that was for a time at the bottom of the
Apple iPod Shuffle page "2. Do not eat iPod shuffle.".
Another Broken Lemond Zurich road frame. - 10:14

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This morning on the way to the start of the Wednesday morning road ride I do I
heard a new clicking noise from the bike, I did not stop to check it out and
decided to continue riding. Somewhere not long after passing Scrivner Dam
however the whole back of the bike started swaying and the click came back
with a vengeance.
We stopped to have a look and found the frame broken. Damn. So I have broken
another bike frame. Richard Bontjer has an identical model Lemond Zurich road
bike and his has broken three times in the past 10 years, so I suppose it does
happen. Apparently the Lemonds from that era broke where they were welded
often. We do not know if it was a quality issue or what, it is annoying
Fortunately Ben Crabb has leant me his old road bike, which has a rather nice
steel frame (painted red so it will go fast too :) until I can get my frame
back on the road. This means I will still be able to do road rides easily with
big enough gears (mountain bike gearing is too small and you end up spinning
out the biggest gears pretty quickly riding one on the road)
The break as can be seen in the photos to the left is on the chainstay on the
drive side right where the dropouts are welded to the frame. I apologise for
the blurriness of the photos, I can not find my camera instruction book just
now and do not know how to put it into Macro mode for photos.