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Tue, 21 Dec 2004
Poetic Ani Sigs - 14:51
From around 1996 until April 2002 my email signature was the same few lines of text Look Up In The Sky Is it a bird? No Is it a plane No Is it a small blue banana? YesWhich was deliberately obscure and strange, anyway I finally got around to changing my signature in April 2002 to the following Ani Difranco quote. You are subtle as a window pane standing in my view but I will wait for it to rain so that I can see you Anticipate - AniWhich is as you can see the opening of the song Anticipate, I love the quote, and I like the double meaning of the song title by saying "Anticipate Ani". Not long after Sam (Reinhardt) returned to work in January 2003 after time off following the birth of Maxine (notice the Righteous Baby t-shirt <g>), Sam suggested she was bored with my signature and that I should change it. Obviously not realising my previous tendency to keep an email signature for many years. Anyway I gave it some thought at the time and decided one thing I could do is go through all of Ani's lyrics from all her albums and select at least one quote from each song or poem. Using this I could have random signatures generated from the selection of quotes. The idea behind this was to show how good Ani's lyrics are due to the fact there is some good quotable snippet from every one of her numerous songs. Anyway I extracted the quotes (in a format that is pretty trivial to parse) and since then have not used them in my signature. I guess for now Sam will just have to put up with the fact my signature doesn't change much. I did however I think prove the point of the exercise. Though there are a few songs I did not collect quotes from, generally due to them being too short, I did collect quotes from almost all of the approximately 180 songs released by Ani since 1990.
Gladwell impact, though I still wonder about marketing. - 12:32
Cool/Intelligent people attract Cool/Intelligent people - 11:27
He is quite correct, this is one of the things that makes such a fun and interesting conference to attend. A whole bunch of cool intelligent people rock up to speak at the conference and delegates attend because they can sit around and chat with these people (and hear them speak too, but to some extent that is secondary).
Mikal is not over analysing. - 10:52
I agree with Mikal that the lyrics in songs are important and can be a form of poetry, heck this is something I constantly point out with Ani Difranco lyrics, they are a form of poetry and worth reading in their own right. I guess I was not so much commenting on Brick, or Mikal's interpretation so much on how some fans may take analysis well beyond what artists ever saw in their own music. |